On site rebuilding of way surfaces.
Specializing in precision metal cutting machine tools.

Devitt Machinery Co. / F.A.S.T. has worked with machine tool rebuilders, as well as OEM’s across the nation and abroad, training their personnel in the use of replication materials and portable machining of these low-friction replication materials.  They reduce machining requirements of components and eliminate the need for hand scraping to fit. These techniques make in-house rebuilds much easier as well as being cost effective.

Today’s economy has forced rebuilders to reevaluate their costs of doing business.  The largest cost is the facility and the associated equipment needed for a total rebuild. Also, floor space and equipment often limit the type and the size of the machines they are able to rebuild.

Customer needs have also changed in the past few years. The cost of the rebuild and downtime are the key concerns. These concerns have brought these rebuilds, and repairs, into the manufacturer’s facility and out of the rebuilder’s shop. Manufacturers look for rebuilders, who come into their facilities and replace bearings, bringing machine tolerances back to new.

Rebuilders must look at this as an opportunity to get more work than normally possible. Being limited by the floor space and the equipment needed for replacing low friction sheet type bearing materials. But, how can they get around the need for all of their special equipment used to glue, clamp, and machine bearing surfaces before they are scraped to fit?

There is a learning curve associated with the application of these materials as well as the portable machining techniques. The replication materials are not difficult to use, however they are different than conventional methods, it is recommended that someone experienced with replication techniques advise prior to, or possibly assist during the first application.

Devitt Machinery Co. / F.A.S.T. offers application manuals and also on-site training services in replication techniques and portable machining.

With F.A.S.T. you will know we have the experience in machine rebuilding combine that with the FARO Laser Tracker and you have a WINNING combination!

The high accuracy and a large measurement range of the FARO Laser Tracker we can reduce your down time.

Let us come to you! Inspect, Repair, Train, we can do it all!

FAST has developed innovative techniques for machining large bed ways in-place. These techniques drastically reduce the time and expense of re-qualifying large machine tools.



On site machining of large surface grinder bed ways and cross slides, fitting of tables and wheel heads with Moglice slide way material. Mattison uses Moglice on new machines.


Large roll and OD grinder bed ways can be milled and/or scraped in-place with wheel head or tables fit to center line in 5-7 days total.


Large hydrostatic bearings can be rebuilt in the field. Hydrostatic pockets and lands are molded in with Moglice low-friction slide way material.



Ingersoll heads can be refit in 3 days without purchasing new gibs. 100′ bed ways can be machined in-place and tables fit to fresh bed ways in less than 2 weeks.


Floor-type HBM’s can have their beds and saddles requalified and columns squared. Table-type G+L’s can have their table and saddle rebuilt in 5 days right on your factory floor.


VBM tables can also be rebuilt quickly in the field. Worn rails can be machined while still on the columns. Saddles are fit to the fresh rail and rams can be refit in the saddle housings.



Worn or loose sheet-type low-friction material can be replaced with Moglice in 2 days per axis or less. Flame hardened integral cast iron ways can be reground on your factory floor eliminating problems with wear and corrosion on hardened ways.


Precision machines can be re-scraped and returned to exacting new machine tolerances quickly and economically right on your factory floor.