Rebuilt Machines

G & L Rotary

Weather stripping was run down both edges of the ways. The bed ways have been sprayed with release agent, the saddle has been set down and .060 thick cured Moglice shim stock has been glued to the phenolic plates. 1/2 inch diameter injection holes have been drilled every 18 inches on the way surface; also six threaded holes have been drilled through the bottom casting to be used as alignment jacks. The saddle was lifted off of the Moglice shims about .015 with these jacks to the correct elevation and parallel with the bed ways. The Moglice is mixed, poured into injector cartridges and pumped into the void through half inch plastic tubing. The injection process is started at one end which is sealed and continues successively from port to port. In this photo the Moglice is reaching the end of a way, filling the last tube and a small reservoir at the open end of the way.

In this photograph the top of the saddle has been sprayed with release agent. Notice that the inside diameter has been masked with painters' tape to keep the excess material that may squeeze out from getting a grip on the inside edge of the saddle. This will prevent the Moglice chipping upon removal of the table as the Moglice will be adhered to the phenolic on the bottom of the table. Note also, the alignment jacks around the perimeter of the bearing used to support the table while the Moglice cures. These jacks are positioned over webs in the saddle to avoid distortion.

The saddle is removed from the bed ways again revealing perfectly filled ways. When rubbed against the bed ways using marking compounds, the four outside corners had the heaviest bearing marks. This is because most of the load of the saddle had been taken by the four corner alignment screws. By purposely locating jack screws the bearing contact can be steered to the desired locations. These bearing surfaces will require only oil grooving and stoning.

Note also the positive side on the saddle was replicated at the same time as the flat surfaces. The thickness of the Moglice on this surface controls the gear lash in this application.

This is the bed, saddle and table for a large G&L rotary table. The saddle to the bed had been cast iron-to-cast iron bearing surfaces. The table to saddle had a phenolic liner on the table. In this example the saddle is fit to the bed with the Moglice injection process and the table is set to the saddle with the Moglice putty process.

After pre-alignment of the table the Moglice putty is mixed in its own container via a drill press and Jiffy mixer. The speed should not exceed 100 rpm to avoid heating the Moglice and causing premature cure.

Note that the bed section has been given a proper footing. The bed has been accurately milled, removing all wear and score marks. It is usually a good idea to scrape a milled cast iron surface to knock off the mill fuzz, but if an 80 RMS surface or better can be achieved a good stoning is all that is necessary. Leveling the bed is a crucial first step. If you mold to a twisted surface you will replicate a twisted surface.

The bottom of the saddle had phenolic plates that were screwed and glued onto the saddle. These plates were still solidly attached; this could be proved by tapping a box end wrench against the phenolic and listening for a hollow sound. This sounding technique can be used on Moglice bearing surfaces also. .070 stock was milled off the phenolic plates to provide clearance for Moglice and break the glazing on the oil soaked phenolic. This milling, or alternatively hand grinding, exposes the threads in the phenolic. The Moglice creeps into these threads like they were wicks and achieves a tenacious bond even when the phenolic has oil in it.

Note that with the saddle aligned on the bed ways the worm and pinion can be installed and gear lash clearance checked.

After pre-alignment of the table the Moglice putty is mixed in its own container via a drill press and Jiffy mixer. The speed should not exceed 100 rpm to avoid heating the Moglice and causing premature cure.

Final alignments are re-verified, small adjustments can be made to dial in the last few ten thousands of an inch. It is possible to adjust upwards on the putty material several thousands of an inch without drawing air into the bearing area if the adjustment is done slowly. If possible, it is preferable to adjust high locations downward. On this stack up, the maximum total indicator error was less than one thousandths of an inch.

Final alignments are re-verified, small adjustments can be made to dial in the last few ten thousands of an inch. It is possible to adjust upwards on the putty material several thousands of an inch without drawing air into the bearing area if the adjustment is done slowly. If possible, it is preferable to adjust high locations downward. On this stack up, the maximum total indicator error was less than one thousandths of an inch.

After pre-alignment of the table the Moglice putty is mixed in its own container via a drill press and Jiffy mixer. The speed should not exceed 100 rpm to avoid heating the Moglice and causing premature cure.

Final alignments are re-verified, small adjustments can be made to dial in the last few ten thousands of an inch. It is possible to adjust upwards on the putty material several thousands of an inch without drawing air into the bearing area if the adjustment is done slowly. If possible, it is preferable to adjust high locations downward. On this stack up, the maximum total indicator error was less than one thousandths of an inch.

Final alignments are re-verified, small adjustments can be made to dial in the last few ten thousands of an inch. It is possible to adjust upwards on the putty material several thousands of an inch without drawing air into the bearing area if the adjustment is done slowly. If possible, it is preferable to adjust high locations downward. On this stack up, the maximum total indicator error was less than one thousandths of an inch.

Moglice 628 poured on the saddle.

Final alignments are re-verified, small adjustments can be made to dial in the last few ten thousands of an inch. It is possible to adjust upwards on the putty material several thousands of an inch without drawing air into the bearing area if the adjustment is done slowly. If possible, it is preferable to adjust high locations downward. On this stack up, the maximum total indicator error was less than one thousandths of an inch.

Final alignments are re-verified, small adjustments can be made to dial in the last few ten thousands of an inch. It is possible to adjust upwards on the putty material several thousands of an inch without drawing air into the bearing area if the adjustment is done slowly. If possible, it is preferable to adjust high locations downward. On this stack up, the maximum total indicator error was less than one thousandths of an inch.

Ingersoll Adjustable Rail Milling Machine

Ingersoll Adjustable Rail Milling Machine

These are overhead pictures to try to give the viewer and idea of the immense size of this machine. The bed ways are 150 feet in length. The table was 55 feet long by 25 feet wide making it one of the largest planer mills we know of.

Devitt Machinery Co. was contracted to replace phenolic bearings on the table as well as design and install a new through-the-table lubrication system. In this photo you will see a portable machining rig milling off the phenolic liner on one of the table segments.

In this picture you will get a birds-eye view of this operation and notice all phenolic is being removed except for a 3/8 strip on each side of the bearing surface.

This is a view of a separate milling fixture used to do the same machining process as the previous picture but on a different bearing surface.

Once all bearing surfaces were machined including the positive guidance surface bearings, Putty Hard was mixed up and placed on specific positions along the newly machined bearing area. Ground steel blocks were then placed over these locations resting on the 3/8ths wide phenolic surfaces on each side. This was to achieve our rough alignment shims.

In this picture you will see one completed surface and one in process.

A closer view of molded shims.

The phenolic strips were only left to accomplish the molding of the shims to support the weight of the table during molding. After the shims were molded and cured (18 hrs) the 3/8 phenolic strips were removed. The table segments were then raised to their side and cleaned.

Note that the bed section has been given a proper footing. The bed has been accurately milled, removing all wear and score marks. It is usually a good idea to scrape a milled cast iron surface to knock off the mill fuzz, but if an 80 RMS surface or better can be achieved a good stoning is all that is necessary. Leveling the bed is a crucial first step. If you mold to a twisted surface you will replicate a twisted surface.

A closer view of the molding site.

After alignment is achieved, the table is moved off to the side and safety jacks placed under it while Fluid is being mixed.

When finished mixing the last kit, the technician will apply that to the last bearing while the first technician is leveling off the first two bearings. By doing it this way you can shorten the application time and stay well within your pot-life window.

An aerial view showing technicians working on this application.

The table is then raised and brought over to the bed ways and was carefully and slowly lowered into the Fluid.

Table segments were then fit to the bed segments and shims were adjusted for final alignment.

After the table was lifted with jacks and raised off the bed ways the following morning, the trimming and clean-up process was begun.

The use of a die grinder and cutoff wheel makes trimming of the edges relatively simple. The white lines you see on the bearing are the tape (pin striping) that came up with the cured Fluid. It simply has to be pulled out.

This photo shows the molded bearing after trimming.

This is a closer picture to show what the pin stripping tape accomplished in our molding.

Using a router and a carbide bit, we then cut our oil groove pattern into the surface of the cured bearing.

Another angle of our technician performing this process.

Shows the oil groove pattern. One of the oil inlet holes can be clearly seen.

Aerial view of one table segment completed.

Another angle of our technician performing this process.

Technician goes back and cleans and preps the molding site for the next segment to be molded.

This shows the technicians fishing the lube lines through the table.

Another angle showing the technicians fishing the lube lines through the table.

The lube lines were then secured internally.

Picture of a completed bearing. This particular bearing had two oil inlets.

Once all the flats had been completed, technicians reinstalled the adjustable positive surfaces in the bed way.

Both positive surfaces were adjustable on this machine and they were carefully installed and checked for alignment.

Clay was used to seal off the bolt holes on these way surfaces and foam tape was then added to the bottom of this surface to keep the Fluid from being squeezed out while the table was being installed.

Putty Hard was used and pre-mixed using an electric drill (keeping the drill speed under 100 rpm) and then removed from the container. The mix was put onto a mixing sheet and drawn out to make sure there was no entrapped air and that it was completely mixed.

Putty Hard was used and pre-mixed using an electric drill (keeping the drill speed under 100 rpm) and then removed from the container. The mix was put onto a mixing sheet and drawn out to make sure there was no entrapped air and that it was completely mixed.

Another view of the Putty Hard being applied then crowned to the center. Note that care is taken not to get any uncured Putty Hard on the flat way. These flat way bearings are complete and will be holding the table segment at proper height during cure.

Putty Hard was used and pre-mixed using an electric drill (keeping the drill speed under 100 rpm) and then removed from the container. The mix was put onto a mixing sheet and drawn out to make sure there was no entrapped air and that it was completely mixed.

Putty Hard was used and pre-mixed using an electric drill (keeping the drill speed under 100 rpm) and then removed from the container. The mix was put onto a mixing sheet and drawn out to make sure there was no entrapped air and that it was completely mixed.

Just prior to setting the table segment, the technician checks the crown once more to insure a good set and bearing with no air inclusions.

This is a picture just after jacking and lifting of the table showing one positive surface finish molded.

This is a picture just after jacking and lifting of the table showing one positive surface finish molded.

Once rolled, the segment was moved to a prep area where it could be worked on. The time constraints of this job meant that as one segment was curing another was being prepped for molding the next morning.

A photo of the prep area as well as one segment curing at the end of the machine bed.

Here you have 3 finished segments of a 7 segment table put back on bed ways. These 3 segments made up just half of this 55 ft. table. 7 table segments were completed in 30 days. Without the use of the Fluid and Putty Hard this could not have been accomplished. As far as performance of bearings, the finished table could make a 0.0005" move from a rest position with repeatability. This performance was not promised even when new. As of this date in 2002, this machine is still running and will be disassembled and shipped to China.

A completed positive or guide surface.

This picture shows the next segment being rigged to roll it over.

In this photo one can get a good idea of the size of each segment.

Rockford Planer

Qualifying straightness and flatness of the machine tool bed by means of a laser. This was done by customer's request. We normally use a wire micrometer and levels to verify straightness and flatness on machine tools.

Picture of the target being used to verify straightness.

After verification of the bed way the table is lowered onto the bed and supported by the use of Moglice shim pads SuperGlued to the adhesion surface. The table alignment is checked and by scraping shims verification of table is achieved.

Showing are the seals (double headed arrow) at the top edges as well as the dam filling the oil return groove (curved arrow) at the bottom of the vee way so Moglice does not fill it in.

The injection process of this type of bearing has begun. Injection starts at one end and is injected towards other end through a series of injection holes.

Bottom of the table showing the molded double vee bearings.

Ingersoll Quill Bore + Elevating Nuts

This is a 22 inch diameter quill from an Ingersoll horizontal boring mill. Being severely scored it was re-ground under size to a clean up which required about a 1/16 of stock removal on radius. Note that it is not necessary to chrome, spray weld or otherwise build up the quill so it could be re-ground to original size.

This is the bore in the head stock housing that receives the quill. Note that it is not necessary to bore out the diameter and sleeve it. The bore is simply roughened with hand tools.

Since the spindle bearings are contained inside of the quill, heat will be generated causing the quill to expand. The head stock is not likely to expand as quickly. For this reason is necessary to allow extra clearance between the quill and bore to avoid seizure due to heat. Here the quill has been sprayed with a release agent that builds up a coating thickness on the order of .003 of an inch.

Here the quill has been inserted into the head stock. The exposed perimeter of the molding area has been sealed using foam weather strip and STF rapid curing material. The quill has been checked for squareness to the positive side of the head stock. Note also the injection ports indicated in the side of the head stock by protruding plastic tubing.

Moglice is mixed and injected into the void with a caulking gun. The injection process is started at the lowest point and progresses upward until the Moglice flows out the vent at the top.

By pushing the screws axially through the nuts, the total clearance or backlash was determined. The screw was then positioned in the center of this clearance. Temporary threads on the back of the head stock were molded with STF material. This allows for the screws to be screwed out of the nut far enough to be sprayed with a release agent and then screwed back into the nut without the screw hitting the internal surfaces of the nut, which would damage the coating and contaminate the adhesion surface with the release agent.

The ends of the nut are sealed with modeling clay and the Moglice is injected. The main bore and all four nuts were injected in one day.

The elevating screws for this 14 ton head stock were also rebuilt using Moglice. The babbitt in the old steel nut housings was melted out. The nuts were then bolted in position, the screws which had been re-chased are inserted through the nuts and centering rings that pick up the outside diameter of the screws were used to align the screws parallel to the positive sides of the head stock.

The next day the nuts were removed from the screws by warming them slightly and then trimmed. The measured backlash was the desired .002 of an inch. It is possible to mold large nuts with less than .0005 of an inch clearance. Again, be careful of temperature rise as heat from heavy loads can cause a nut to seize. Please see our engineering handbook for more details on the replication of nuts.

Grey Planer

Its table will be mated to its bed ways with Moglice moldable low-friction material.

The adhesion surfaces on the bottom of the table are roughened and cleaned. Pre-cured Moglice shims .065" thick are SuperGlued to the adhesion surface. The shims are scraped and/or filed to achieve the correct alignment of the table in relation to the bed ways.

The bed ways are sprayed with release agent and Moglice is mixed and poured into the bottom vees.

A minute or two is allowed for the Moglice to find its own level. Notice the dams made out of cardboard.

The table is then set down onto the Moglice. It squeezes up the sides and alignment of the table is verified again.

18-24 hours later the table is removed revealing finished ways. These ways should be oil grooved and spotted for oil retention. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO SCRAPE OR MACHINE CURED MOGLICE BEARING SURFACES.

Ingersoll Adjustable Rail Milling Machine

Ingersoll Adjustable Rail Milling Machine

These are overhead pictures to try to give the viewer and idea of the immense size of this machine. The bed ways are 150 feet in length. The table was 55 feet long by 25 feet wide making it one of the largest planer mills we know of.

Devitt Machinery Co. was contracted to replace phenolic bearings on the table as well as design and install a new through-the-table lubrication system. In this photo you will see a portable machining rig milling off the phenolic liner on one of the table segments.

In this picture you will get a birds-eye view of this operation and notice all phenolic is being removed except for a 3/8 strip on each side of the bearing surface.

This is a view of a separate milling fixture used to do the same machining process as the previous picture but on a different bearing surface.

Once all bearing surfaces were machined including the positive guidance surface bearings, Putty Hard was mixed up and placed on specific positions along the newly machined bearing area. Ground steel blocks were then placed over these locations resting on the 3/8ths wide phenolic surfaces on each side. This was to achieve our rough alignment shims.

In this picture you will see one completed surface and one in process.

A closer view of molded shims.

The phenolic strips were only left to accomplish the molding of the shims to support the weight of the table during molding. After the shims were molded and cured (18 hrs) the 3/8 phenolic strips were removed. The table segments were then raised to their side and cleaned.

Note that the bed section has been given a proper footing. The bed has been accurately milled, removing all wear and score marks. It is usually a good idea to scrape a milled cast iron surface to knock off the mill fuzz, but if an 80 RMS surface or better can be achieved a good stoning is all that is necessary. Leveling the bed is a crucial first step. If you mold to a twisted surface you will replicate a twisted surface.

A closer view of the molding site.

After alignment is achieved, the table is moved off to the side and safety jacks placed under it while Fluid is being mixed.

When finished mixing the last kit, the technician will apply that to the last bearing while the first technician is leveling off the first two bearings. By doing it this way you can shorten the application time and stay well within your pot-life window.

An aerial view showing technicians working on this application.

The table is then raised and brought over to the bed ways and was carefully and slowly lowered into the Fluid.

Table segments were then fit to the bed segments and shims were adjusted for final alignment.

After the table was lifted with jacks and raised off the bed ways the following morning, the trimming and clean-up process was begun.

The use of a die grinder and cutoff wheel makes trimming of the edges relatively simple. The white lines you see on the bearing are the tape (pin striping) that came up with the cured Fluid. It simply has to be pulled out.

This photo shows the molded bearing after trimming.

This is a closer picture to show what the pin stripping tape accomplished in our molding.

Using a router and a carbide bit, we then cut our oil groove pattern into the surface of the cured bearing.

Another angle of our technician performing this process.

Shows the oil groove pattern. One of the oil inlet holes can be clearly seen.

Aerial view of one table segment completed.

Another angle of our technician performing this process.

Technician goes back and cleans and preps the molding site for the next segment to be molded.

This shows the technicians fishing the lube lines through the table.

Another angle showing the technicians fishing the lube lines through the table.

The lube lines were then secured internally.

Picture of a completed bearing. This particular bearing had two oil inlets.

Once all the flats had been completed, technicians reinstalled the adjustable positive surfaces in the bed way.

Both positive surfaces were adjustable on this machine and they were carefully installed and checked for alignment.

Clay was used to seal off the bolt holes on these way surfaces and foam tape was then added to the bottom of this surface to keep the Fluid from being squeezed out while the table was being installed.

Putty Hard was used and pre-mixed using an electric drill (keeping the drill speed under 100 rpm) and then removed from the container. The mix was put onto a mixing sheet and drawn out to make sure there was no entrapped air and that it was completely mixed.

Putty Hard was used and pre-mixed using an electric drill (keeping the drill speed under 100 rpm) and then removed from the container. The mix was put onto a mixing sheet and drawn out to make sure there was no entrapped air and that it was completely mixed.

Another view of the Putty Hard being applied then crowned to the center. Note that care is taken not to get any uncured Putty Hard on the flat way. These flat way bearings are complete and will be holding the table segment at proper height during cure.

Putty Hard was used and pre-mixed using an electric drill (keeping the drill speed under 100 rpm) and then removed from the container. The mix was put onto a mixing sheet and drawn out to make sure there was no entrapped air and that it was completely mixed.

Putty Hard was used and pre-mixed using an electric drill (keeping the drill speed under 100 rpm) and then removed from the container. The mix was put onto a mixing sheet and drawn out to make sure there was no entrapped air and that it was completely mixed.

Just prior to setting the table segment, the technician checks the crown once more to insure a good set and bearing with no air inclusions.

This is a picture just after jacking and lifting of the table showing one positive surface finish molded.

This is a picture just after jacking and lifting of the table showing one positive surface finish molded.

Once rolled, the segment was moved to a prep area where it could be worked on. The time constraints of this job meant that as one segment was curing another was being prepped for molding the next morning.

A photo of the prep area as well as one segment curing at the end of the machine bed.

Here you have 3 finished segments of a 7 segment table put back on bed ways. These 3 segments made up just half of this 55 ft. table. 7 table segments were completed in 30 days. Without the use of the Fluid and Putty Hard this could not have been accomplished. As far as performance of bearings, the finished table could make a 0.0005" move from a rest position with repeatability. This performance was not promised even when new. As of this date in 2002, this machine is still running and will be disassembled and shipped to China.

A completed positive or guide surface.

This picture shows the next segment being rigged to roll it over.

In this photo one can get a good idea of the size of each segment.

Ingersoll Tubular Planer Mill

A general idea of what the table and bed look like.

In this shot you will see what the machine looked like prior to shutdown. Notice the large amounts of chips in the way systems. This caused many scores, which can be seen on the next picture. The only feasible way of protecting a table bearing in this environment is having a perfectly matched bearing surface.

This is after cleaning debris from the bed. Scoring and damage is evident in the way system after the debris is removed.

These are the reference surfaces (flat). Some scraping was required and then stoning. A rail will be attached to this flat surface and the vertical surfaces on the rail will be dialed in for straightness. These rails are bolted and then pinned in an accurate straight line. You need a flat and a straight surface to do the machining. The rail is the straight edge and the machined bed is the flat. You need that in order to machine a true flat bore.

This picture shows a technician stoning the flat reference surface on the other side of the bed. They are now ready to install the rails and establish their straight guidance edges.

The guide rails will be installed to the flat surface of the bed way system and then will be checked and aligned for straightness. This will be the straight edge. This is the underside of the table, which is a flat surface that was used to store the rails until installation on bed way.

Installing rails. We installed a guide rail system to one side of the bed. This guide rail, after alignment, will accurately guide the carriage in a straight line. These guide rail sections were positioned to extend 5' beyond the bed way. Our carriage had to run off the bed to finish cut the tubular ways. By jacking up these 5' extensions .002", we can eliminate the tipping of the carriage as it runs off the bed way flat reference surface. Rail sections were attached at both ends of the reference flat on the other side of the bed extending 5', and again only used to support the carriage weight as we machined off the end of the bed ways.

Here you will see the installation of the guide rails.

This is the bearing surface that maintains flatness. These two vertical surfaces were molded to the edges of our guide rail to maintain straightness. This flat surface was molded and given .002" clearance on the top of the guiding rail. This surface was molded in, only to come in contact with our five foot sections of rail extending beyond the end of the bed.

After boring the first way accurately, the saddle was removed and turned over. We took a 5.5' piece of pipe and cut it in half lengthwise. It was then welded to the underside of the plate and prepared for adhesion of Moglice. We molded the bearing surface on this tube to our first way system. By doing this, when we machine the other way system, it will be absolutely parallel to the first way. This picture also shows some rough spot marks put on the tube to retain oil during the machining process.

This is a picture of our cutting head used for boring the round rail systems.

In this picture you will see the boring bars being adjusted with the use of a 1/10th indicator. These boring heads had to be adjusted after each pass until cleanup was achieved.

This shows one of the oil grooves filled with DWH.

This shows the oil groove patch after machining of bed way. These oil grooves in the bed way were being eliminated because the customer opted to lubricate his table bearings through the table and not the bed. These grooves were approximately 2 ft long, 1-1/4' wide and 1/2" deep.

Pins. Bolts. This is looking at the cutter from on top of the temporary carriage. You will notice that it is bolted AND pinned to maintain alignment.

This is a good picture of the extended rails for supporting the carriage to the end of the bed as well as a support for the drive chain.

Entire cutting operation requires vigilance as to speed and feed. Older cast iron varies in its hardness and monitoring of roughing cuts make it possible to achieve best surface finish on finish cut. This picture also shows the milling head drive and the carriage drive.

Thompson Surface Grinder

The table bearings of this large Thompson were molded and finished in two days once the bed ways were re-qualified.

The bed way was prepped the same way as on a Mattison grinder. The striking difference is the vee way is on the operator side of a Thompson bed.

Shims are glued to the table bearing surfaces and scraped to achieve accurate alignment.

Dams are made of cardboard and fastened in the bed way using duct tape.

Release agent is being applied just prior to mixing the Moglice.

Moglice resin is combined in a bucket for easier mixing. The calculated amount of Moglice for each way was mixed separately. Once the resin was mixed the hardener was added and care was taken not to mix at more than 100 rpm.

Once mixing is completed, the Moglice for each way was poured evenly
and in a thin stream into the dammed area of the bed way.

Both ways are filled with Moglice.

The next day the table is first jacked up and then lifted by a crane and rolled over for trimming and stoning. The oil grooves in this table were cut in using a die grinder and carbide burr.

Elb Surface Grinder

With levels checking both directions the bed was leveled as much as possible. Shims were then applied to the reference surfaces in the center of each bearing surface starting at the same thickness as the metal removed from the table. The shims were adjusted by scraping until the level readings were the same across the table in both directions. 3 shims were used on each way surface over an 8ft. section of bed in the center. Grinders were then used to remove 0.040 inches to 0.050inches of Moglice from the bed ways without touching the shims. After cleaning the bed and applying release agent, Moglice Putty Hard was applied in the center of the bed to become the first mold.

From the end of the vee way notice that much less wear and gauling has taken place. Strips down the center of each surface show little to no wear as well.

Another photo showing the other end of the vee way.

After molding, the bearing surface is trimmed, stoned and then verified using levels. The oil groove pattern in the Moglice as the surface finish on the Bondow was different than the cast iron. This will have no impact on the performance of this bearing.

Photo of the vee way after trimming.

A view of how the same process was accomplished on the vee way. The Moglice fluid entered at the bottom and filled both sides of the void escaping at the top. Notice no Moglice overlapped the original molding surface. This same application process was repeated for both ends of the bed.

A view of the old bearing surface after grinding down the Moglice and cutting some angular notches for mechanical adhesion. Moglice will also make an excellent adhesion bond to itself after grinding.

A view of the old bearing surface after grinding down the Moglice and cutting some angular notches for mechanical adhesion. Moglice will also make an excellent adhesion bond to itself after grinding.

A 1/2 inch hole in the center 1 inch from the finished area is drilled in the center of the finished area. An injection hole is created by drilling from the front of the bed connecting to the inch hole drilled in the finished area. This injection hole will enable Moglice fluid to be injected between the new Moglice Putty Hard and the cured finished bearing surface without a step. Without this injection process, the Mogice Putty Hard would move onto the finished bearing surface and throw the alignment off.

The table bearings of this large Thompson were molded and finished in two days once the bed ways were re-qualified.

This is the completed molding site and one end of the bed way. Devitt's standard Cleaner/ Degreaser spray was used for the final cleaning of the Moglice, being careful not to soak any of the foam used in damming.

After setting the table and checking the alignment, Moglice FL/P was injected to complete the mold. After the table is removed the next morning it is visible how the Moglice came in through the injection hole, filled the void and then escaped on both sides making a seamless connection between molds.

Another view of the bridge being prepared to slide back and forth the length of the bed ways.

Moglice Putty Hard is spread on the flat way stopping at the injection hole. The Putty Hard is then crowned to the center to avoid air inclusions.

The same is done to the vee way surfaces and crowned in the same manner.

This is an 8ft. Elb Surface Grinder. What makes this application unique is the 16ft. polymer concrete base. The table is 8ft. long and has cast iron bearing surfaces, a vee and flat as an integral part of the table. Elb grinders have been built this way for many years and used Moglice to mold their finished bearing surface on the bed ways. Elb used 16ft. masters to accomplish this in their factory, however, this can be done without their massive master , in the field, using the 8ft. table as a master.

The table is lowered carefully into the Moglice. A little more than half of the table comes to rest on the finished section of the bearing in the center of the bed. A weight is then placed on this end of the table and checked for sag in the table. There was approximately a 0.001" sag and the alignment was corrected with a screw jack at the outboard end.

After trimming and stoning the new bearing surfaces the table was oiled
and put back on the bedways. The entire molding process took 4 days.

The extensive scoring and wear to the vee way is very visible. Notice the undamaged area in the center of each side of the vee way. Shims will be glued along the undamaged area approximately the same thickness as the metal removed from the table bearing.

The bed was leveled to take a lot of stresses out. It was leveled using leveling jacks with hold downs approximately every 18 inches. All hold downs were then released and leveled as best as possible using the undamaged surfaces in the center of each bearing surface; first using a 4ft. parallel on the flat. As the bed bearing wore down the table dropped low in the center of the bed. To compensate, the center of the bed was jacked up with jack bolts and the ends of the bed were pulled down using hold down bolts to keep the bed level.

After trimming and stoning the new bearing surfaces the table was oiled
and put back on the bedways. The entire molding process took 4 days.

Landis Grinder

Image shows adhesion notches in surface. These were cut to enhance mechanical bond.

Angular notches cut crisscross on all oil line ports.

The bed way had old oil grooves that had to be filled because a new through- the-table lube system had been installed.

Oil supply lines to vee way plugged to convert to a through-the-table lube system. DWH 311 Putty was used.

View of oil grooves and oil ports in bed plugged with DWH 311 Putty.

Oil grooves in table plugged with DWH 311 Putty. The grooves were very deep and could trap air bubbles when molded.

Grooves on vee way were .125" deep but after filled are only a few thousandths.

Filled holes in the table made when the cross drilling for lube was done.

Picture shows other side of hole for lube and helps explain why it is not needed.

Another view of oil holes installed for the through-the-table lube system.

The table bearings of this large Thompson were molded and finished in two days once the bed ways were re-qualified.

Angular notches made with a die grinder and cut off wheel held on an angle to create a good adhesion surface.

Picture of table ways and die grinder.

All holes are cross-notched for adhesion.

Drill bits sprayed with release agent were placed in the oil ports of the flat way to keep the DWH 311 Putty from filling the ports.

All oil grooves filled with DWH 311 Putty to save money. Moglice will bond to it chemically.

After marking bed way at molding site, oil groove pattern is laid out to be molded into the Moglice bearing. The cross groove is placed on an angle to improve distribution.

Number 18 description above is done on the vee way of the bed.

Cardboard dams are made to contain the Moglice FL/P in the area to be molded.

The dam is positioned at the end of the mold site and held in place with modeling clay.

Overhead view of the damming process.

The dam is located approximately 3/4 inch from where the table way will set. The oil groove will be approximately 1inch from the end of the table way.

Another overhead view of the damming process.

Overhead view of the damming process.

The oil return at the bottom of the vee way is filled with 1/2 inch wide and 3/8 inch thick weather strip. This protects against catching rough machined edges.

Overhead view of weather strip.

Cross oil grooves connected to form oil groove pattern.

Oil returns on both vee and flat ways were sealed off for molding.

Oil return at bottom of vee way as well as the one on the outboard side of flat were sealed with weather strip then taped to make a good seal. The aluminum block was clamped to the bed to help locate the table for set.

Table is chained to lift as close to level as possible.

Table is spray cleaned, allowed to dry and then ear plugs are put in all oil ports and pushed in below the surface. If the ear plugs stick above the surface they can cause an air pocket on the surface of the bearing. Moglice FL/P is then poured into the vee way and leveled. Moglice Putty Hard is troweled onto the flat way and crowned in the center which helps eliminate air inclusions.

After cure (24 hrs), the vee way dams are pulled revealing a good pour (fill).

Jacks are placed under each end of the table to release the table from the bed.

When jacking Moglice can be seen with the table raised.

Vee way can been seen separted from the bed as well.

Once the table is released with jacks, it could then be lifted using a crane.

Cured Moglice before trimming but after the table is rolled over.

Vee way can been seen separted from the bed as well.

Wax getting peeled out of oil groove exposing finished oil groove.

After cutting edge with a cutoff wheel, excess Moglice is chipped off.

The void under the edge of the bearing is backfilled with Score-Ex as the void was only 1/8 inch deep.

Oil groove exposed on vee way.

Excess Moglice removed from end of vee way.

The void under the edge of the bearing is backfilled with Score-Ex as the void was only 1/8 inch deep.

After trimming, bearing surfaces are spotted for oil retention.

Oil line openings are located and opened.

Vee way oil port opened.

Finished vee way is stoned with a fine stone and mineral spirits.

G & L Horizontal Model N

Hydrostatic saddle

Saddle set in Moglice

Saddle set in Moglice

Auxiliary slide prepped first by sandblasting adhesion surface.

Close up of auxiliary slide prepped first by sandblasting adhesion surface. Sand blasting is the best adhesion surface but notching gives additional mechanical hold where bond lines are exposed.

Auxiliary slide notched for mechanical adhesion after sandblasting.

Column saddle on horses for easy access and prep work.

Picture of head slide on horses.

Rhulon bearing to be removed as adhesion failed.

Another view of the Rhulon bearing.

Auxiliary slide surface oil grooving laid out to be replicated into the Moglice bearing. This auxiliary slide is not commonly found on G & L floor mills.

Release agent sprayed on slide surface.

Men in the forefront of picture are mixing Moglice 628 while application techs are applying Moglice on saddle surface.

Close up of applying and crowning Moglice.

Finishing application of Moglice.

Ingersoll Adjustable Rail Milling Machine

Ingersoll Adjustable Rail Milling Machine

These are overhead pictures to try to give the viewer and idea of the immense size of this machine. The bed ways are 150 feet in length. The table was 55 feet long by 25 feet wide making it one of the largest planer mills we know of.

Devitt Machinery Co. was contracted to replace phenolic bearings on the table as well as design and install a new through-the-table lubrication system. In this photo you will see a portable machining rig milling off the phenolic liner on one of the table segments.

In this picture you will get a birds-eye view of this operation and notice all phenolic is being removed except for a 3/8 strip on each side of the bearing surface.

This is a view of a separate milling fixture used to do the same machining process as the previous picture but on a different bearing surface.

Once all bearing surfaces were machined including the positive guidance surface bearings, Putty Hard was mixed up and placed on specific positions along the newly machined bearing area. Ground steel blocks were then placed over these locations resting on the 3/8ths wide phenolic surfaces on each side. This was to achieve our rough alignment shims.

In this picture you will see one completed surface and one in process.

A closer view of molded shims.

The phenolic strips were only left to accomplish the molding of the shims to support the weight of the table during molding. After the shims were molded and cured (18 hrs) the 3/8 phenolic strips were removed. The table segments were then raised to their side and cleaned.

Note that the bed section has been given a proper footing. The bed has been accurately milled, removing all wear and score marks. It is usually a good idea to scrape a milled cast iron surface to knock off the mill fuzz, but if an 80 RMS surface or better can be achieved a good stoning is all that is necessary. Leveling the bed is a crucial first step. If you mold to a twisted surface you will replicate a twisted surface.

A closer view of the molding site.

After alignment is achieved, the table is moved off to the side and safety jacks placed under it while Fluid is being mixed.

When finished mixing the last kit, the technician will apply that to the last bearing while the first technician is leveling off the first two bearings. By doing it this way you can shorten the application time and stay well within your pot-life window.

An aerial view showing technicians working on this application.

The table is then raised and brought over to the bed ways and was carefully and slowly lowered into the Fluid.

Table segments were then fit to the bed segments and shims were adjusted for final alignment.

After the table was lifted with jacks and raised off the bed ways the following morning, the trimming and clean-up process was begun.

The use of a die grinder and cutoff wheel makes trimming of the edges relatively simple. The white lines you see on the bearing are the tape (pin striping) that came up with the cured Fluid. It simply has to be pulled out.

This photo shows the molded bearing after trimming.

This is a closer picture to show what the pin stripping tape accomplished in our molding.

Using a router and a carbide bit, we then cut our oil groove pattern into the surface of the cured bearing.

Another angle of our technician performing this process.

Shows the oil groove pattern. One of the oil inlet holes can be clearly seen.

Aerial view of one table segment completed.

Another angle of our technician performing this process.

Technician goes back and cleans and preps the molding site for the next segment to be molded.

This shows the technicians fishing the lube lines through the table.

Another angle showing the technicians fishing the lube lines through the table.

The lube lines were then secured internally.

Picture of a completed bearing. This particular bearing had two oil inlets.

Once all the flats had been completed, technicians reinstalled the adjustable positive surfaces in the bed way.

Both positive surfaces were adjustable on this machine and they were carefully installed and checked for alignment.

Clay was used to seal off the bolt holes on these way surfaces and foam tape was then added to the bottom of this surface to keep the Fluid from being squeezed out while the table was being installed.

Putty Hard was used and pre-mixed using an electric drill (keeping the drill speed under 100 rpm) and then removed from the container. The mix was put onto a mixing sheet and drawn out to make sure there was no entrapped air and that it was completely mixed.

Putty Hard was used and pre-mixed using an electric drill (keeping the drill speed under 100 rpm) and then removed from the container. The mix was put onto a mixing sheet and drawn out to make sure there was no entrapped air and that it was completely mixed.

Another view of the Putty Hard being applied then crowned to the center. Note that care is taken not to get any uncured Putty Hard on the flat way. These flat way bearings are complete and will be holding the table segment at proper height during cure.

Putty Hard was used and pre-mixed using an electric drill (keeping the drill speed under 100 rpm) and then removed from the container. The mix was put onto a mixing sheet and drawn out to make sure there was no entrapped air and that it was completely mixed.

Putty Hard was used and pre-mixed using an electric drill (keeping the drill speed under 100 rpm) and then removed from the container. The mix was put onto a mixing sheet and drawn out to make sure there was no entrapped air and that it was completely mixed.

Just prior to setting the table segment, the technician checks the crown once more to insure a good set and bearing with no air inclusions.

This is a picture just after jacking and lifting of the table showing one positive surface finish molded.

This is a picture just after jacking and lifting of the table showing one positive surface finish molded.

Once rolled, the segment was moved to a prep area where it could be worked on. The time constraints of this job meant that as one segment was curing another was being prepped for molding the next morning.

A photo of the prep area as well as one segment curing at the end of the machine bed.

Here you have 3 finished segments of a 7 segment table put back on bed ways. These 3 segments made up just half of this 55 ft. table. 7 table segments were completed in 30 days. Without the use of the Fluid and Putty Hard this could not have been accomplished. As far as performance of bearings, the finished table could make a 0.0005" move from a rest position with repeatability. This performance was not promised even when new. As of this date in 2002, this machine is still running and will be disassembled and shipped to China.

A completed positive or guide surface.

This picture shows the next segment being rigged to roll it over.

In this photo one can get a good idea of the size of each segment.

G & L Rotary

Weather stripping was run down both edges of the ways. The bed ways have been sprayed with release agent, the saddle has been set down and .060 thick cured Moglice shim stock has been glued to the phenolic plates. 1/2 inch diameter injection holes have been drilled every 18 inches on the way surface; also six threaded holes have been drilled through the bottom casting to be used as alignment jacks. The saddle was lifted off of the Moglice shims about .015 with these jacks to the correct elevation and parallel with the bed ways. The Moglice is mixed, poured into injector cartridges and pumped into the void through half inch plastic tubing. The injection process is started at one end which is sealed and continues successively from port to port. In this photo the Moglice is reaching the end of a way, filling the last tube and a small reservoir at the open end of the way.

In this photograph the top of the saddle has been sprayed with release agent. Notice that the inside diameter has been masked with painters' tape to keep the excess material that may squeeze out from getting a grip on the inside edge of the saddle. This will prevent the Moglice chipping upon removal of the table as the Moglice will be adhered to the phenolic on the bottom of the table. Note also, the alignment jacks around the perimeter of the bearing used to support the table while the Moglice cures. These jacks are positioned over webs in the saddle to avoid distortion.

The saddle is removed from the bed ways again revealing perfectly filled ways. When rubbed against the bed ways using marking compounds, the four outside corners had the heaviest bearing marks. This is because most of the load of the saddle had been taken by the four corner alignment screws. By purposely locating jack screws the bearing contact can be steered to the desired locations. These bearing surfaces will require only oil grooving and stoning.

Note also the positive side on the saddle was replicated at the same time as the flat surfaces. The thickness of the Moglice on this surface controls the gear lash in this application.

This is the bed, saddle and table for a large G&L rotary table. The saddle to the bed had been cast iron-to-cast iron bearing surfaces. The table to saddle had a phenolic liner on the table. In this example the saddle is fit to the bed with the Moglice injection process and the table is set to the saddle with the Moglice putty process.

After pre-alignment of the table the Moglice putty is mixed in its own container via a drill press and Jiffy mixer. The speed should not exceed 100 rpm to avoid heating the Moglice and causing premature cure.

Note that the bed section has been given a proper footing. The bed has been accurately milled, removing all wear and score marks. It is usually a good idea to scrape a milled cast iron surface to knock off the mill fuzz, but if an 80 RMS surface or better can be achieved a good stoning is all that is necessary. Leveling the bed is a crucial first step. If you mold to a twisted surface you will replicate a twisted surface.

The bottom of the saddle had phenolic plates that were screwed and glued onto the saddle. These plates were still solidly attached; this could be proved by tapping a box end wrench against the phenolic and listening for a hollow sound. This sounding technique can be used on Moglice bearing surfaces also. .070 stock was milled off the phenolic plates to provide clearance for Moglice and break the glazing on the oil soaked phenolic. This milling, or alternatively hand grinding, exposes the threads in the phenolic. The Moglice creeps into these threads like they were wicks and achieves a tenacious bond even when the phenolic has oil in it.

Note that with the saddle aligned on the bed ways the worm and pinion can be installed and gear lash clearance checked.

After pre-alignment of the table the Moglice putty is mixed in its own container via a drill press and Jiffy mixer. The speed should not exceed 100 rpm to avoid heating the Moglice and causing premature cure.

Final alignments are re-verified, small adjustments can be made to dial in the last few ten thousands of an inch. It is possible to adjust upwards on the putty material several thousands of an inch without drawing air into the bearing area if the adjustment is done slowly. If possible, it is preferable to adjust high locations downward. On this stack up, the maximum total indicator error was less than one thousandths of an inch.

Final alignments are re-verified, small adjustments can be made to dial in the last few ten thousands of an inch. It is possible to adjust upwards on the putty material several thousands of an inch without drawing air into the bearing area if the adjustment is done slowly. If possible, it is preferable to adjust high locations downward. On this stack up, the maximum total indicator error was less than one thousandths of an inch.

After pre-alignment of the table the Moglice putty is mixed in its own container via a drill press and Jiffy mixer. The speed should not exceed 100 rpm to avoid heating the Moglice and causing premature cure.

Final alignments are re-verified, small adjustments can be made to dial in the last few ten thousands of an inch. It is possible to adjust upwards on the putty material several thousands of an inch without drawing air into the bearing area if the adjustment is done slowly. If possible, it is preferable to adjust high locations downward. On this stack up, the maximum total indicator error was less than one thousandths of an inch.

Final alignments are re-verified, small adjustments can be made to dial in the last few ten thousands of an inch. It is possible to adjust upwards on the putty material several thousands of an inch without drawing air into the bearing area if the adjustment is done slowly. If possible, it is preferable to adjust high locations downward. On this stack up, the maximum total indicator error was less than one thousandths of an inch.

Blanchard Table

Distant view of a Blanchard showing the saddle before assembly on which the chuck rides.

Overhead view of the finished Moglice bearings.

The hole marked with a red circle above is where the drive gear was removed prior to molding. Arrows indicate molded bearings. To do this job the bearing surface under the chuck was re-machined. Normally this bearing would have had to of been replaced due to clearance problems. The chuck's bearing and bull-gear are furnished by Blanchard as a one-piece replacement unit. By re-machining the old bearing and building up a low-friction bearing surface in the saddle we were able to get clearance and alignment without the replacement costs of the bearing and bull-gear unit. Total time spent on rebuilding this bearing was 8 hours excluding cure time.

Blanchard Grinder

12′ Rotary Mattison Grinder

In this picture a 11'2" area of bed has been taped out for molding. The oil groove pattern in the bed has been filled with modeling clay.

Wax paper has been laid over the molding site to keep dirt off of it while other work was being performed.

Last minute cleaning of bed ways before applying the release agent.

Close view of bed vee way shows that tape was used at tops of way surfaces to create a draft for any excess Moglice. This eliminates the risk of excess material from bonding to vertical surfaces of the bed way.

Old oil grooves in the saddle were filled with Moglice Putty so they would not trap air during the pour and set process.

Overhead view of prepped vee way. By not installing end dams until just before applying Moglice, it is possible to blow out carefully, with air, any debris that may have fallen onto the vee way.

Installing dams at the end of the vee way, made from cardboard and taped into position.

After pouring Moglice into the dammed area, it is spread out and crowned toward the center to reduce the chance of air inclusion.

A closer look at evenly spread and slightly crowned Moglice 628 (semi-putty).

Atchison Steel VBM

Table being set up on a vertical boring mill to re-qualify bearing service.

Picture of re-qualified bearing surface. The two black lines are marker lines to make the oil groove layout easier.

Surfaces of bed way bearing have been rough ground with hand grinder for better adhesion.

Wax strips 0.06" thick are laid out on bearing at desired locations. This eliminates secondary machining of oil groove pattern.

Another view of the oil groove pattern.

Foam tub is placed between segments to conserve amounts of Moglice to be applied.

Bearing surface in bed is roughened, taped off and cleaned prior to application of Moglice.

Using a Biax scraper, the tech puts a light cross-cut on the table bearing to improve its surface

Partially flaked or cross-cut.

After the molding process, the machine bearing surface after the molding process, the machine bearing surface received a light cross-cut to improve surface finish.

New bearing surface of table after cross-cutting and stoning.

Tech using a Biax spotter to spot Moglice bearing. These spotters and scrapers are available from Devitt Machinery.

Moglice bearing in bed is spotted for oil retention.

Close-up view of new Moglice bearing with molded oil grooving and partially spotted surface.

The molded surface is an exact replica of the table bearing.

G & L Horizontal Model N

Hydrostatic saddle

Saddle set in Moglice

Saddle set in Moglice

Auxiliary slide prepped first by sandblasting adhesion surface.

Close up of auxiliary slide prepped first by sandblasting adhesion surface. Sand blasting is the best adhesion surface but notching gives additional mechanical hold where bond lines are exposed.

Auxiliary slide notched for mechanical adhesion after sandblasting.

Column saddle on horses for easy access and prep work.

Picture of head slide on horses.

Rhulon bearing to be removed as adhesion failed.

Another view of the Rhulon bearing.

Auxiliary slide surface oil grooving laid out to be replicated into the Moglice bearing. This auxiliary slide is not commonly found on G & L floor mills.

Release agent sprayed on slide surface.

Men in the forefront of picture are mixing Moglice 628 while application techs are applying Moglice on saddle surface.

Close up of applying and crowning Moglice.

Finishing application of Moglice.

Ingersoll Adjustable Rail Milling Machine

Ingersoll Adjustable Rail Milling Machine

These are overhead pictures to try to give the viewer and idea of the immense size of this machine. The bed ways are 150 feet in length. The table was 55 feet long by 25 feet wide making it one of the largest planer mills we know of.

Devitt Machinery Co. was contracted to replace phenolic bearings on the table as well as design and install a new through-the-table lubrication system. In this photo you will see a portable machining rig milling off the phenolic liner on one of the table segments.

In this picture you will get a birds-eye view of this operation and notice all phenolic is being removed except for a 3/8 strip on each side of the bearing surface.

This is a view of a separate milling fixture used to do the same machining process as the previous picture but on a different bearing surface.

Once all bearing surfaces were machined including the positive guidance surface bearings, Putty Hard was mixed up and placed on specific positions along the newly machined bearing area. Ground steel blocks were then placed over these locations resting on the 3/8ths wide phenolic surfaces on each side. This was to achieve our rough alignment shims.

In this picture you will see one completed surface and one in process.

A closer view of molded shims.

The phenolic strips were only left to accomplish the molding of the shims to support the weight of the table during molding. After the shims were molded and cured (18 hrs) the 3/8 phenolic strips were removed. The table segments were then raised to their side and cleaned.

Note that the bed section has been given a proper footing. The bed has been accurately milled, removing all wear and score marks. It is usually a good idea to scrape a milled cast iron surface to knock off the mill fuzz, but if an 80 RMS surface or better can be achieved a good stoning is all that is necessary. Leveling the bed is a crucial first step. If you mold to a twisted surface you will replicate a twisted surface.

A closer view of the molding site.

After alignment is achieved, the table is moved off to the side and safety jacks placed under it while Fluid is being mixed.

When finished mixing the last kit, the technician will apply that to the last bearing while the first technician is leveling off the first two bearings. By doing it this way you can shorten the application time and stay well within your pot-life window.

An aerial view showing technicians working on this application.

The table is then raised and brought over to the bed ways and was carefully and slowly lowered into the Fluid.

Table segments were then fit to the bed segments and shims were adjusted for final alignment.

After the table was lifted with jacks and raised off the bed ways the following morning, the trimming and clean-up process was begun.

The use of a die grinder and cutoff wheel makes trimming of the edges relatively simple. The white lines you see on the bearing are the tape (pin striping) that came up with the cured Fluid. It simply has to be pulled out.

This photo shows the molded bearing after trimming.

This is a closer picture to show what the pin stripping tape accomplished in our molding.

Using a router and a carbide bit, we then cut our oil groove pattern into the surface of the cured bearing.

Another angle of our technician performing this process.

Shows the oil groove pattern. One of the oil inlet holes can be clearly seen.

Aerial view of one table segment completed.

Another angle of our technician performing this process.

Technician goes back and cleans and preps the molding site for the next segment to be molded.

This shows the technicians fishing the lube lines through the table.

Another angle showing the technicians fishing the lube lines through the table.

The lube lines were then secured internally.

Picture of a completed bearing. This particular bearing had two oil inlets.

Once all the flats had been completed, technicians reinstalled the adjustable positive surfaces in the bed way.

Both positive surfaces were adjustable on this machine and they were carefully installed and checked for alignment.

Clay was used to seal off the bolt holes on these way surfaces and foam tape was then added to the bottom of this surface to keep the Fluid from being squeezed out while the table was being installed.

Putty Hard was used and pre-mixed using an electric drill (keeping the drill speed under 100 rpm) and then removed from the container. The mix was put onto a mixing sheet and drawn out to make sure there was no entrapped air and that it was completely mixed.

Putty Hard was used and pre-mixed using an electric drill (keeping the drill speed under 100 rpm) and then removed from the container. The mix was put onto a mixing sheet and drawn out to make sure there was no entrapped air and that it was completely mixed.

Another view of the Putty Hard being applied then crowned to the center. Note that care is taken not to get any uncured Putty Hard on the flat way. These flat way bearings are complete and will be holding the table segment at proper height during cure.

Putty Hard was used and pre-mixed using an electric drill (keeping the drill speed under 100 rpm) and then removed from the container. The mix was put onto a mixing sheet and drawn out to make sure there was no entrapped air and that it was completely mixed.

Putty Hard was used and pre-mixed using an electric drill (keeping the drill speed under 100 rpm) and then removed from the container. The mix was put onto a mixing sheet and drawn out to make sure there was no entrapped air and that it was completely mixed.

Just prior to setting the table segment, the technician checks the crown once more to insure a good set and bearing with no air inclusions.

This is a picture just after jacking and lifting of the table showing one positive surface finish molded.

This is a picture just after jacking and lifting of the table showing one positive surface finish molded.

Once rolled, the segment was moved to a prep area where it could be worked on. The time constraints of this job meant that as one segment was curing another was being prepped for molding the next morning.

A photo of the prep area as well as one segment curing at the end of the machine bed.

Here you have 3 finished segments of a 7 segment table put back on bed ways. These 3 segments made up just half of this 55 ft. table. 7 table segments were completed in 30 days. Without the use of the Fluid and Putty Hard this could not have been accomplished. As far as performance of bearings, the finished table could make a 0.0005" move from a rest position with repeatability. This performance was not promised even when new. As of this date in 2002, this machine is still running and will be disassembled and shipped to China.

A completed positive or guide surface.

This picture shows the next segment being rigged to roll it over.

In this photo one can get a good idea of the size of each segment.

Cinncinnati Hydrotel

Head removed to expose cast iron ways. Machine needs head bearing replacement.

Jackscrews are prepared by gluing pieces of brass shim onto the screw to protect the cast iron ways of the column.

Holes are then tapped in the bearing surface of the head slide to receive jackscrews.

Prepared adhesion surface. This surface has been roughened and cleaned. Also notice the four jackscrews used for alignment (see arrows).

Moglice putty is mixed out on a clean metal sheet.

Moglice Putty Hard is troweled onto the head slide and slightly crowned to the center of each bearing surface.

Final positioning and checking of the head to the column and then allowed to cure.

The following day after the head is jacked away from the column, excess Moglice is trimmed using a die grinder and resin cut off wheel.

A 100% bearing surface of Moglice. Oil grooving, lubrication ports opened and spotting must be done prior to final assembly.

Elb Surface Grinder

With levels checking both directions the bed was leveled as much as possible. Shims were then applied to the reference surfaces in the center of each bearing surface starting at the same thickness as the metal removed from the table. The shims were adjusted by scraping until the level readings were the same across the table in both directions. 3 shims were used on each way surface over an 8ft. section of bed in the center. Grinders were then used to remove 0.040 inches to 0.050inches of Moglice from the bed ways without touching the shims. After cleaning the bed and applying release agent, Moglice Putty Hard was applied in the center of the bed to become the first mold.

From the end of the vee way notice that much less wear and gauling has taken place. Strips down the center of each surface show little to no wear as well.

Another photo showing the other end of the vee way.

After molding, the bearing surface is trimmed, stoned and then verified using levels. The oil groove pattern in the Moglice as the surface finish on the Bondow was different than the cast iron. This will have no impact on the performance of this bearing.

Photo of the vee way after trimming.

A view of how the same process was accomplished on the vee way. The Moglice fluid entered at the bottom and filled both sides of the void escaping at the top. Notice no Moglice overlapped the original molding surface. This same application process was repeated for both ends of the bed.

A view of the old bearing surface after grinding down the Moglice and cutting some angular notches for mechanical adhesion. Moglice will also make an excellent adhesion bond to itself after grinding.

A view of the old bearing surface after grinding down the Moglice and cutting some angular notches for mechanical adhesion. Moglice will also make an excellent adhesion bond to itself after grinding.

A 1/2 inch hole in the center 1 inch from the finished area is drilled in the center of the finished area. An injection hole is created by drilling from the front of the bed connecting to the inch hole drilled in the finished area. This injection hole will enable Moglice fluid to be injected between the new Moglice Putty Hard and the cured finished bearing surface without a step. Without this injection process, the Mogice Putty Hard would move onto the finished bearing surface and throw the alignment off.

The table bearings of this large Thompson were molded and finished in two days once the bed ways were re-qualified.

This is the completed molding site and one end of the bed way. Devitt's standard Cleaner/ Degreaser spray was used for the final cleaning of the Moglice, being careful not to soak any of the foam used in damming.

After setting the table and checking the alignment, Moglice FL/P was injected to complete the mold. After the table is removed the next morning it is visible how the Moglice came in through the injection hole, filled the void and then escaped on both sides making a seamless connection between molds.

Another view of the bridge being prepared to slide back and forth the length of the bed ways.

Moglice Putty Hard is spread on the flat way stopping at the injection hole. The Putty Hard is then crowned to the center to avoid air inclusions.

The same is done to the vee way surfaces and crowned in the same manner.

This is an 8ft. Elb Surface Grinder. What makes this application unique is the 16ft. polymer concrete base. The table is 8ft. long and has cast iron bearing surfaces, a vee and flat as an integral part of the table. Elb grinders have been built this way for many years and used Moglice to mold their finished bearing surface on the bed ways. Elb used 16ft. masters to accomplish this in their factory, however, this can be done without their massive master , in the field, using the 8ft. table as a master.

The table is lowered carefully into the Moglice. A little more than half of the table comes to rest on the finished section of the bearing in the center of the bed. A weight is then placed on this end of the table and checked for sag in the table. There was approximately a 0.001" sag and the alignment was corrected with a screw jack at the outboard end.

After trimming and stoning the new bearing surfaces the table was oiled
and put back on the bedways. The entire molding process took 4 days.

The extensive scoring and wear to the vee way is very visible. Notice the undamaged area in the center of each side of the vee way. Shims will be glued along the undamaged area approximately the same thickness as the metal removed from the table bearing.

The bed was leveled to take a lot of stresses out. It was leveled using leveling jacks with hold downs approximately every 18 inches. All hold downs were then released and leveled as best as possible using the undamaged surfaces in the center of each bearing surface; first using a 4ft. parallel on the flat. As the bed bearing wore down the table dropped low in the center of the bed. To compensate, the center of the bed was jacked up with jack bolts and the ends of the bed were pulled down using hold down bolts to keep the bed level.

After trimming and stoning the new bearing surfaces the table was oiled
and put back on the bedways. The entire molding process took 4 days.

Landis Grinder

Image shows adhesion notches in surface. These were cut to enhance mechanical bond.

Angular notches cut crisscross on all oil line ports.

The bed way had old oil grooves that had to be filled because a new through- the-table lube system had been installed.

Oil supply lines to vee way plugged to convert to a through-the-table lube system. DWH 311 Putty was used.

View of oil grooves and oil ports in bed plugged with DWH 311 Putty.

Oil grooves in table plugged with DWH 311 Putty. The grooves were very deep and could trap air bubbles when molded.

Grooves on vee way were .125" deep but after filled are only a few thousandths.

Filled holes in the table made when the cross drilling for lube was done.

Picture shows other side of hole for lube and helps explain why it is not needed.

Another view of oil holes installed for the through-the-table lube system.

The table bearings of this large Thompson were molded and finished in two days once the bed ways were re-qualified.

Angular notches made with a die grinder and cut off wheel held on an angle to create a good adhesion surface.

Picture of table ways and die grinder.

All holes are cross-notched for adhesion.

Drill bits sprayed with release agent were placed in the oil ports of the flat way to keep the DWH 311 Putty from filling the ports.

All oil grooves filled with DWH 311 Putty to save money. Moglice will bond to it chemically.

After marking bed way at molding site, oil groove pattern is laid out to be molded into the Moglice bearing. The cross groove is placed on an angle to improve distribution.

Number 18 description above is done on the vee way of the bed.

Cardboard dams are made to contain the Moglice FL/P in the area to be molded.

The dam is positioned at the end of the mold site and held in place with modeling clay.

Overhead view of the damming process.

The dam is located approximately 3/4 inch from where the table way will set. The oil groove will be approximately 1inch from the end of the table way.

Another overhead view of the damming process.

Overhead view of the damming process.

The oil return at the bottom of the vee way is filled with 1/2 inch wide and 3/8 inch thick weather strip. This protects against catching rough machined edges.

Overhead view of weather strip.

Cross oil grooves connected to form oil groove pattern.

Oil returns on both vee and flat ways were sealed off for molding.

Oil return at bottom of vee way as well as the one on the outboard side of flat were sealed with weather strip then taped to make a good seal. The aluminum block was clamped to the bed to help locate the table for set.

Table is chained to lift as close to level as possible.

Table is spray cleaned, allowed to dry and then ear plugs are put in all oil ports and pushed in below the surface. If the ear plugs stick above the surface they can cause an air pocket on the surface of the bearing. Moglice FL/P is then poured into the vee way and leveled. Moglice Putty Hard is troweled onto the flat way and crowned in the center which helps eliminate air inclusions.

After cure (24 hrs), the vee way dams are pulled revealing a good pour (fill).

Jacks are placed under each end of the table to release the table from the bed.

When jacking Moglice can be seen with the table raised.

Vee way can been seen separted from the bed as well.

Once the table is released with jacks, it could then be lifted using a crane.

Cured Moglice before trimming but after the table is rolled over.

Vee way can been seen separted from the bed as well.

Wax getting peeled out of oil groove exposing finished oil groove.

After cutting edge with a cutoff wheel, excess Moglice is chipped off.

The void under the edge of the bearing is backfilled with Score-Ex as the void was only 1/8 inch deep.

Oil groove exposed on vee way.

Excess Moglice removed from end of vee way.

The void under the edge of the bearing is backfilled with Score-Ex as the void was only 1/8 inch deep.

After trimming, bearing surfaces are spotted for oil retention.

Oil line openings are located and opened.

Vee way oil port opened.

Finished vee way is stoned with a fine stone and mineral spirits.